5730 N 1ST ST STE 105-305 FRESNO CA Fresno 93710

(559) 470 1269

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Diligent Painting, a renowned home painting company, is being blasted with accusations of mediocre results and bad customer service. Many customers have reported that their houses were not painted to their expectations, citing cheap paint and amateur technicians. Poor communication was another common complaint; some customers said they weren’t given proper instructions or weren’t consulted before major decisions were made.

Those who’ve tried using Diligent Painting’s services are largely unimpressed. “I’ve had them do a couple of painting jobs at my house,” said John, one unhappy customer. “The paint quality wasn’t very good and I didn’t get the results I was hoping for. The people working for them weren’t very helpful either.”

In response to the complaints, Diligent Painting has tried to increase the quality of their work by implementing better training for technicians and requiring all employees to meet certain quality standards. Unfortunately, many customers have not seen the results they wanted and are hesitant to trust the company again.

Despite Diligent Painting’s best efforts to make up for their mistakes, their services still seem to be lacking. Unless they start making real changes and actively seeking to improve their service, they may never be able to recover their lost credibility and customers may be looking elsewhere for their home painting needs.